The steps in creating a trading account:
- You will need an email address
- Read and accept the terms and conditions
- Fill in your personal details
- In the Offerings section, offer some goods, skills or services & your Wants, then Submit.
- Once approved, your login details will be forwarded to you by email
- Log in to the website, explore offerings and more details on how the system works
For your registration to be accepted full contact details are required. If you are concerned about your contact details appearing on the internet it is possible to hide what you don’t want to be shown. Your details are not open to the public and are only seen by other CES users. Ensure that you fill in your email address for a rapid response. You may register as a company, a family, an individual or an organisation. Your details will not be provided to any third parties.
Please also provide details of what goods and/or services you will be able to offer. Exchange groups are relatively small, closed communities so make offerings that are meaningful in that context (click here for information about offerings).
If you require further information please contact us
NB: Please do not register just to have a look.
The demonstration site contains most of the features that appear on the real site. We are seeking active participants who wish to trade with other members of their communities.